To God Be The Glory For The Great Things He Has Done!
MICAH was birthed in 2013, when God spoke to the Reverend Doctor Marilyn Aklin about establishing an AME ministry that would serve her community, the Route 40-Woodlawn Community. After much prayer, Reverend Aklin shared the vision with her pastor, the Reverend Doctor Ann Lightner-Fuller, and subsequently with Presiding Elder Ernest L. Montague, Sr., who has provided incredible support and encouragement.
One year later, in July 2014, Reverend Aklin began the “Teaching Thursdays” Bible Study, with eight persons, at the brand new Hampton Inn & Suites in the Woodlawn community. Initial bible study topics included “Unpacking Your Spiritual Gifts” and “Stewardship of God’s Abundance.”
In addition to participating in biblically-based teaching, bible study participants also benefitted from the Caring Hearts Caregivers Support Group—a ministry established in response to the needs expressed by bible study participants. In one year, the bible study and the support group have served nearly 30 individuals.
On Sunday, July 19, 2015, more than 300 persons gathered to share in the inaugural MICAH worship which was held at the Set the Captives Free Outreach Center, pastored by Apostle Karen Bethea and Elder Linwood Bethea.
On Sunday, May 29, 2016 MICAH held its first worship service at its current location located in the heart of the Woodlawn Community.
To God Be The Glory For The Great Things He Has Done!

Inaugural Worship Service
To God Be The Glory For The Great Things He Has Done!
MICAH was birthed in 2013, when God spoke to the Reverend Doctor Marilyn Aklin about establishing an AME ministry that would serve her community, the Route 40-Woodlawn Community. After much prayer, Reverend Aklin shared the vision with her pastor, the Reverend Doctor Ann Lightner-Fuller, and subsequently with Presiding Elder Ernest L. Montague, Sr., who has provided incredible support and encouragement.
One year later, in July 2014, Reverend Aklin began the “Teaching Thursdays” Bible Study, with eight persons, at the brand new Hampton Inn & Suites in the Woodlawn community. Initial bible study topics included “Unpacking Your Spiritual Gifts” and “Stewardship of God’s Abundance.”
In addition to participating in biblically-based teaching, bible study participants also benefitted from the Caring Hearts Caregivers Support Group—a ministry established in response to the needs expressed by bible study participants. In one year, the bible study and the support group have served nearly 30 individuals.
On Sunday, July 19, 2015, more than 300 persons gathered to share in the inaugural MICAH worship which was held at the Set the Captives Free Outreach Center, pastored by Apostle Karen Bethea and Elder Linwood Bethea. On Sunday, May 29, 2016 MICAH held its first worship service at its current location located in the heart of the Woodlawn Community.
To God Be The Glory For The Great Things He Has Done!
Bishop Reginald T. Jackson, Presiding Bishop
Attorney Christy Davis Jackson, Episcopal Supervisor
Rev. Johnny R. Calhoun, Presiding Elder - Baltimore District